About Me and My Story

Like many of us that have turned health and wellness into not only a way of life, but a means to help others. About me: my ‘why’ stems from an incident in my childhood that would forever shape the woman I am today. 

When I was 13 I was in a bad horseback riding accident that left me with a shattered femur, wheelchair bound and absolutely heart broken. Riding and being close to horses had been the best thing that had ever happened to me and after hearing that it would most likely be years before I could ride again, I knew I needed to do everything right moving forward so I could get back up and going as soon as possible. Although I couldn’t overly control the speed in which my bone fused back together while the 2 metal rods held it all in place, I could control how diligent I was with my recovery pace and efforts.

Intensive physiotherapy alongside diet and lifestyle changes were an absolute saving grace to my mental and physical health during these restrictive months in my life. There were so many times I was set back emotionally from the feeling of defeat, yet was always amazed at my body’s ability to make large changes weekly. When my body rejected my hardware 10 months into recovery, I had no choice but to undergo yet another surgery to remove the rods. It was in these moments that I knew I couldn’t go back to the way things were the following strenuous months and made it my mission in life to be as healthy and strong as possible so I could bounce back and climb into a saddle again.

Why I Became a Holistic

Once I realized how effective even the small shifts in my diet, lifestyle and mindset made on my overall physical health, I knew that this was a way of living that I would continue to develop and hone in on for the rest of my life.

I became my own guinea pig and tried it all. From the age of 15-20 years old I followed a vegetarian diet and was incredibly active and involved in multiple spin, pilates and yoga classes a week on top of riding and team sports. From 20-22 I became a peskatarian and my body really started to thrive and adapt well to the addition of a new kind of protein and fat. It was exhilarating to witness and experience the changes my body could continue to go through as I aged and matured.

At the age of 22 and more active than ever, I began to have a curious craving for poultry and red meat. I knew already that I wouldn't settle for anything less than the best quality considering where my morals and ethics were for an animal's wellbeing and quality of life, along with the superior nutrient content and lack of hormones, antibiotics etc. This drove me to dig deeper into what the benefits of yet another addition of new macro and micronutrients were and how I could incorporate them in a mindful and intentional way. After I began this conscious journey, my digestion and cycle were consistently predictable and regular, I stopped having any symptoms associated with PMS or GUT issues such as gas and bloating and I was happier and more energized than ever.

Once my curious thoughts took off, I headed back to school for Nutrition where I was educated on all things health and wellness from a holistic approach. After graduating with first-class honours from The Institute of Holistic Nutrition, I started my own practice (Kelsey McKibbon Nutrition) and dove right into working 1 on 1 with clients specializing in GUT related issues and began helping people navigate a sustainable lifestyle while optimizing their overall health so that they could experience the health shift that I had years prior.

About Me, Why I Became A Holistic Nutritionist, Kelsey McKibbon

I believe in approaching every single client with a holistic mindset and educational mind frame. There is never going to be a one-size-fits-all scenario, but instead a group of practical and knowledgeable guidelines on how to live a balanced, thoughtful, and well-rounded life. Whether you work with me through a personalized 1 on 1 protocol, or you purchase a specialized program from my shop, you will get invaluable information that you can use to flourish in your everyday life!

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"A great listener and has taken me to the next level of my health journey, where I feel I'm the healthiest I've ever been."

- Dana Aubrey, Toronto ON

"Most of my life I've suffered from digestion issues. Then a year ago I went through the worst diverticulitis infection I've ever gone through. This caused me to lose a lot of weight, my energy to plummet, and my overall strength to diminish. I drastically changed my diet but was still struggling with an unhappy gut and was unsure what I needed to meet my nutritional needs. Enter Kelsey - a breath of fresh air, health-inspiration galore, and someone I aspire to emulate. She is such a great listener and has taken me to the next level of my health journey, where I feel I’m the healthiest I've ever been. She loves what she does and she does it really well. She’s organized, incredibly informed, has a huge heart, is full of great advice, and truly cares about your needs - not just on a nutritional level, but on a soulful level as well. Her meal plans are yum. Her guidance is priceless. Kelsey is a true gem whom I’ll forever be grateful to for shedding her positive light."
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