From a very young age, I knew I was born to be a leader and help people see the good and positivity in everything. I was always asked about certain health and wellness related topics and I found that I either had a good answer, or I dug in and did my research so that I could come back with one.

Years later after attending the Institute of Holistic Nutrition in Toronto where I graduated with First Class Honours, I knew that I was exactly where I needed to be and hit the ground running, wanting to help as many people as I could feel their very best.

What Can You Expect When Working With Me?

What You Will Get

All Things Gut Health

What Can You Expect When Working With Me?

I truly believe in approaching every individual that I work with, with a holistic mindset and an educational mind frame. No two people are exactly the same, even though they may share similar symptoms, their background journey of what got them there could be entirely different, leading to very different fundamental approaches to how I work with them.

My main goal is to give you all the tools and support you need along with comprehensive education in order for you to go at a pace that you’re comfortable with! This is very important considering it is what’s going to pave the way for you to reach long-term sustainable success!



Holistic Mindset Based on Nutrition and Healing


1:1 Coaching


Individual Consultations


Custom Meal and Supplement Plans


Custom Worksheets/ Journals to Track Your Progress

Let’s Chat About All Things Gut Health For a Minute!

We’ve all been told one time or another to go with your gut or have been asked what your gut is telling you throughout many scenarios that force you to dig past your conscious mind in to your unconscious to help you uncover answers that are burrowed deeper than surface level. This is all because your GUT, a beautifully complex organ, lined with over 100 million nerve cells, is considered the second brain and is responsible for many short and long-term responses.

When you undergo stressful, exciting, happy and sad situations, your gut and brain communicate with one another by transmitting hormones through the bloodstream, helping you make decisive and appropriate decisions within a split second! It’s all
quite remarkable, right?!

Why Am I Telling you All This?

Our gut is so resilient, we tend to take for granted, leaving it in a state of dysbiosis (imbalance), which can be the cause for many systemic issues that show themselves through acute or chronic issues!

By Having a balance whole food diet with a well-rounded lifestyle, we can improve our immunity and therefore prevent common ailments that are often present in our day to day life as we walk through the seasons of each year.

We can avoid nagging symptoms that are accompanied by the common cold or flu, we can avoid digestive disturbances such as gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea…. And these are only to name a few pros that go hand-in-hand with taking care of you gut!

I don’t know about you, but when I was younger I was never taught about the importance of GUT health or what that even meant. It’s not because my parents or teachers were withholding this invaluable information, it’s because the importance of our G.I tract and how much of a role it played on our everyday vitality wasn’t common knowledge!

I didn’t know that having regular full stools was absolutely necessary for keeping my GUT in check which in turn would help keep my body and mental health more balanced.

Years later… I now know that by supporting the elimination organs, we can aid in moving waste efficiently through our system which optimizes the way our body is able to function on a daily basis, ridding our body of harmful toxins that if not excreted, can cause systemic issues.

Including a well-rounded diet and lifestyle into your daily routine will undoubtedly contribute to mental, physical and emotional clarity and provide an abundance of energy and positivity throughout your life for many reasons.

Your GUT, which is responsible for 70%-80% of your immunity is incredibly resilient, but when overloaded with toxins, stress, antibiotics, poor foods choices and sleep hygiene, bad habits, and dehydration, it can fall into a state of dysbiosis (imbalance of microbiome) which can lead to acute and chronic illnesses.

When there outside factors wreaking havoc on the health of your good bacteria, it is absolutely imperative that you take action in order to prevent further damage and the need for medical intervention. Ignoring signs of poor GUT health can take you down a long road of recovery that may involve:

(Least invasive) – months of limiting enjoyable things from your diet and lifestyle and incorporating testing and supplements in order to uncover and begin healing these ailments.

(Most invasive) – the use of long-term medications/ steroids which unfortunately include other short and long-term side effects.

When you spend conscious, valuable time working with an educated practitioner that is experienced in common ailments, you gain the knowledge and understanding of why it is absolutely pivotal to always practice proper bowel care in order to optimize your overall health.

All Things Gut Health

When you spend conscious, valuable time working with an educated practitioner that is experienced in common ailments, you gain the knowledge and understanding of why it is absolutely pivotal to always practice proper bowel care in order to optimize your overall health.

Rather than waiting for your HEALTH To DECLINE...
take action and begin PREVENTING potential future ailments!

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I am currently offering virtual coaching for clients across the country!

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Work With Me

"A great listener and has taken me to the next level of my health journey, where I feel I'm the healthiest I've ever been."

- Dana Aubrey, Toronto ON

"Most of my life I've suffered from digestion issues. Then a year ago I went through the worst diverticulitis infection I've ever gone through. This caused me to lose a lot of weight, my energy to plummet, and my overall strength to diminish. I drastically changed my diet but was still struggling with an unhappy gut and was unsure what I needed to meet my nutritional needs. Enter Kelsey - a breath of fresh air, health-inspiration galore, and someone I aspire to emulate. She is such a great listener and has taken me to the next level of my health journey, where I feel I’m the healthiest I've ever been. She loves what she does and she does it really well. She’s organized, incredibly informed, has a huge heart, is full of great advice, and truly cares about your needs - not just on a nutritional level, but on a soulful level as well. Her meal plans are yum. Her guidance is priceless. Kelsey is a true gem whom I’ll forever be grateful to for shedding her positive light."
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